Night Out

National Night Out Is...
National Night Out is
an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.
Millions of People Participate
in National Night Out festivals across neighborhoods in all 50 states, U.S. Territories, and military bases. Each Neighborhood does something a little different to fit their community.
While Relatively New to Poquoson-
National Night Out has been around since the early 1980's. It was born through the collaboration of volunteers and police leaders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Having Fun in the Sun
Each National Night Out looks a bit different due to funding and event planning. Some will consist of "Movie Night" and others are more interactive with bounce houses and vendors. Look to community businesses to provide funding and give them a "Shout-Out" for helping our Foundation bring this to you!

Meeting on Good Terms
National Night Out presented the Poquoson Police Department an opportunity to meet members of the community on good terms. Sometimes, the only interaction someone will have with a police officer might be negative due to circumstances not within their control. This gives kids the chance to "high-five" role models and heroes.

Building Relationships
Chief Bowen, Retired, gives a speech at the 1st Poquoson National Night Out in 2019. School Resource Officers Brandi Gills and Dana Biggs were responsible for coordinating the event, which was a huge success.